
Showing posts from June, 2017

Kayaking on Tahoe and Sun and Fun on the Beach

Yesterday, Monday, June 26, 2017 we went to Lake Tahoe for the last time.  We or I should say Cindy saw a beach at Sand Harbor which is on the east side of the lake. She wanted to go back there after the crowds had left (We saw the beach on the weekend).  Little did she know the crowds were there to stay.  But, She had a strategy and that was to get up early and head to the beach and get there before anyone else and stake out our ground!!  Well, that worked for about an hour and then here they came and they did not care if they walked on your stuff or got sand on you as long as they could get to the water.  I hate beaches! We carried the kayak and took turns going into the lake to paddle around and enjoy the warm sun and cool water.  The beach there was made of coarse sand and it was not white and soft as the Gulf Shores or Orange Beach area.  If you do not know where that is please forget I mentioned either one, because I hate crowds!! We ate lunch there and laid in the sun for ab

Downtown Reno, Bridge Jumper, Fire Rescue

We went downtown Reno for some lunch and to walk around and see the sites.  The Truckee River runs through the city and as all cities with rivers they have a lot of businesses and restaurants built around the river.  We walked the Riverwalk and they had a few vendors that were operating and some stores that were open for business.  We went into several but did not purchase anything. We finally decided on The Wild River Grill for lunch and it was good but of course it was expensive.  They had seating outside by the river but it was just too hot to sit there.  Apparently this is a very popular restaurant with the locals.  It was not that crowded when we were there but it was 2:00 pm and the lunch crowd had left and the dinner crowd had not arrived yet. After lunch, we started back to the truck and heard screaming from the river.  We ran that way and discovered that a girl about 20 something had jumped in the river.  Now this is a strong river and it is not for wadeing or swimming.  W

Relax / North Lake Tahoe

Thursday was a relax day for us.  We have been on the go trying to see everything before we leave different locations.  This stop we have time to relax and not run all over the country.  Cindy went to the swimming pool at the RV park and ordered me to take the mule and get it washed and cleaned up for when we leave here.  I was able to get it hand washed in Reno right downtown.  What fun.  Afterwards, I joined Cindy at the swimming pool for fun in the sun. On Friday we went back to Lake Tahoe and traveled around the north end of the Lake.  We went to Tahoe Vista, Kings Beach, Crystal Bay and Spooner Lake.  At Spooner Lake we decided to have a pinic lunch.  Had to pay $10 just to park which sucked.  We had a good lunch and then traveled to the South Lake Tahoe area passing Zephyr Cove along the way.  This are of Lake Tahoe is even more crowed that the west and south side of the lake.  Also the scenery is not as good in my opinion. but since we were here we needed to see all of it and

Mule Maintenance and Nail job

Wednesday, June 21 we went to Carson City to take care of some maintenance.  When you travel to the west you have to stop and take care of the mules and the wagon every now and then.  Our mule needed an oil change and a system check up to make sure everything was still in good working order.  Although there is a place in Reno that I could have gotten this done we chose to go to Carson City because the people at the Ford dealership were friendly and nice and did not put me on hold and then send me to a voice message system and tell me to leave my name and number and they would get back to me! Also my pioneer woman needed some new nails and a toe job and a change of color.  So we looked up a place to get that done while I was taking care of the mule.  Remember those creamsicles that we use to get as kids?  they were orange in color.  Well that is what the new color of the toes look like.  A little bright for my taste but a happy wife is a happy life! After all the maintenance